, by Ashley Stuntebeck, 5 min reading time

On July 31st, 2023, AVPro Global Inc, the parent company of AVPro Edge, concluded the terms to acquire the Home Audio Division of AudioControl from automobile after-market provider AAMP Holdings, Inc., to begin an exciting new chapter for both companies.
AudioControl’s 45-year history in the middle-tier home high-fidelity marketplace harnesses decades of excellent audio engineering that has produced classic residential and commercial equipment, earning the brand a loyal following with end-users and the custom integration channels that meticulously toil daily to serve them. 
AudioControl remains positioned to continue claiming additional residential market share with an AVR and Pre-processor feature package second to none. For commercial integrators, incorporating Dante audio into the comprehensive DSP, EQ, and matrixing feature package combined with clean, authoritative amplification has led to a steep rise in demand. 
AVPro Edge, though only crossing the threshold of our second decade, has equally garnered a reputation for world-first, leading-edge HDMI video matrix switching, signal extension, and signal management products that have evolved from our groundbreaking video test instrument technology and our symbiotic relationship with international video standards organization, the Imaging Science Foundation.
After launching the industry’s first 8K HDMI matrix switchers and 8K fiber optic HDMI long-range signal extender, many audio enthusiasts in AVPro Edge expressed interest in developing companion audio solutions. Through our growth, we have amassed a wealth of amazingly talented individuals who, at any moment of the day, zing ideas around like shooting stars with audio devices increasingly the central topic.     
When it was learned that AAMP Holdings, Inc. had discovered that home and commercial audio radically differed from the automobile accessory market, which they knew intrinsically well, queries were exchanged, and where we are now is at the beginning of the tremendously exciting corporate relationship between AVPro Edge and AudioControl, two companies who ply their trades exceedingly well.
When word of the acquisition came over-the-transom, dealers and devotees of the brand were keen to know what the future held in store for AudioControl. Part of the reason for writing this is to reassure everyone that AVPro Edge fully intends for AudioControl to remain operating in an independent direction with perhaps, nudge-nudge, wink-wink, some intriguing ideas that may intersect in due time. After all, consider what might arise when the mix of engineering prowess finally has time to sit together at a conference table and the “What ifs?” begin. Oh, to be a fly on that wall, considering the cool-running Class D and Class H amplifier technologies AudioControl has deeply refined over the years, plus the landmark HDMI signal and EDID management capabilities AVPro Edge has pioneered for stable, consistent, reliable system operation. More details? You’ll have to ask the Magic 8 Ball…
Individually and jointly, both companies' efforts are to eliminate the sleepless nights many integrators struggle through, contending with the myriad obstacles that riddle the custom installation landscape. While not wholly erased, supply chain issues remain fresh in the rearview mirror for most integrators. AVPro Edge walks the walk, and we wear our principles on our sleeves. We announced early in the summer of 2023 that we were in the process of modifying one of our facilities in Sioux Falls, SD, to accommodate the initial machinery that would allow us to manufacture products on American soil. Products from that venture will be shipping very early in 2024.
When considering acquiring an audio-centric manufacturer, an intriguing list of foreign entities was paraded; however, AudioControl, with USA roots and a near-half-century heritage, was the uber-unanimous choice.
Unique AudioControl audio distribution products for commercial and residential channels certainly piqued AVPro’s interest in making the acquisition. Popular system deployments feature AVPro Edge video distribution with AudioControl audio. Each company fully understands its responsibility to produce reliable components that deliver best-in-class performance, contribute to system stability, are built to withstand the rigors of around-the-clock duty cycles, are backed by reassuring long-term warranties, and are supported by an award-winning tech support team. Though our names live on the devices in the rack, system dependability is linked to your name, with our goal of never letting you down. 
Once the acquisition was official, engineering teams with both companies assessed the commercial and residential marketplaces, noting what might come about when collaboration begins full-time. 
AudioControl’s popularity with integrators has kept the Seattle factory torridly hectic. Some SKUs are experiencing temporary backorders, and feverish concentration on those will clear this up in short order. Please understand that quality assurance takes supreme precedence over beating the clock.
As upcoming goals for AVPro Edge and AudioControl come into alignment, the possibilities for crossover technologies and hybrid products loom large. Mind you, no hints will be found here, although we always welcome suggestions!                 

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